
Short foot Learn more about Short foot

  • How to do part of the root branch of duck foot?

    How to do part of the root branch of duck foot?

    Potted duck palm wood often reflects its ornamental value under the condition of luxuriant branches and evergreen. But sometimes due to neglect of management or other factors, potted duck palm trees grow in the form of a single pole, and some potted friends grow them.

  • The breeding method of duck foot wood matters needing attention in duck foot wood culture

    The breeding method of duck foot wood matters needing attention in duck foot wood culture

    The breeding method of duck foot wood matters needing attention in duck foot wood culture

  • Crab foot orchid blossoms several times a year

    Crab foot orchid blossoms several times a year

    Crab foot orchid, also known as crab claw orchid, is a common kind of flowers in our country. It has many varieties, and there are nearly a hundred artificially cultivated varieties, so how many times a year does crab foot orchid blossom? How many times a year does crab foot orchid blossom? Crab foot orchid usually blossoms twice a year. For the first time

    2020-11-09 Crab foot orchid one year bloom several times flower crab foot also known as crab claw
  • [picture of duck foot wood] Culture methods and matters needing attention of duck foot wood

    [picture of duck foot wood] Culture methods and matters needing attention of duck foot wood

    [picture of duck foot wood] Culture methods and matters needing attention of duck foot wood

  • Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    Analysis on the causes of Chicken leg foot Disease

    In the modern chicken industry, the incidence of chicken leg and foot disease has increased, which has become a difficult problem that can not be ignored. At present, some chicken farms (households) lack sufficient understanding and understanding of chicken leg foot disease, and often do not pay attention to it, which can easily lead to misdiagnosis and mistreatment, resulting in unnecessary economic losses. According to the author's clinical practice for many years and the clinical experience of many colleagues, the causes and similar symptoms of common leg and foot diseases in chicken production are summarized as follows. 1 nutrition-related leg and foot disease 1.1 vitamins

  • Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    Introduction to the main precious varieties of orchids (Chunlan)

    There are many varieties of orchids in China after long-term cultivation and breeding by the working people. Many precious orchids are named after the special shape of their petals, such as "× × plum". "× × lotus", "× × daffodil", "× × element", "× × odd petal" and so on. Some are described according to their color, such as.

  • In the deep V place, the toughened film

    In the deep V place, the toughened film

    Three-petal short foot round head, tight edge, green shell plum petal, thick petal, sub-nest silkworm moth, big as tongue, one word shoulder. It is listed as one of the eight new species of Huilan. Scape slender round, light green lantern stalk, higher than the leaf surface. Outer three short feet round head, tight edge, flaps thick, both sides

    2019-03-21 In deep local steel membrane three-petal short foot round head
  • Leaf sheath (leaf trousers, leaf nail), leaf foot (foot leaf)

    Leaf sheath (leaf trousers, leaf nail), leaf foot (foot leaf)

    The flower is produced in Danleng County, Meishan. Pujiang Lao Qiu was the first to buy all of it from Danleng Lannong a few years ago, with about 30 heads at that time. Later, this flower won a gold medal at the Pujiang Orchid Exhibition. The flowers bloom to the best, only a little white in the center of the tongue, red velvet. At present, most of the outflows are sold from Pujiang Lao Qiu.

  • Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Culture methods and matters needing attention of Chrysanthemum morifolium

    Wood chrysanthemum, or poison root spot chrysanthemum, is a climbing shrub or vine. Branches cylindric, striate, densely tomentose in fusiform or grayish brown; leaves shortly stipitate, thickly papery, ovate long.

  • Duck feet can be raised in this way even in hot weather.

    Duck feet can be raised in this way even in hot weather.

    Duck foot wood is a kind of shrub which is very suitable for breeding in courtyard and balcony pot. Duck foot wood plays a very good role in purifying air and beautifying home environment. With the heat of the summer day, how to raise the duck foot wood to grow.

  • Selection and management of downhill bluegrass

    Selection and management of downhill bluegrass

    First, lotus petal leaves. The general characteristics of the sheath: the sheath leaf is broad and stiff, the tip is tight; the leaf shape is placed in the middle, the leaf quality is broad and thick, the texture is moisturized, the leaf vein is fine, the leaf tip is blunt and symmetrical or slightly warped upward in the shape of a spoon, the leaf teeth are fine, and the leaf surface is related to the sheath.

  • Hydroponic culture method of duck foot wood

    Hydroponic culture method of duck foot wood

    Duck foot wood is deeply loved by the public because of its evergreen branches and leaves and high ornamental value. at the same time, it also has a certain ability to purify the air, and can also play a good role in embellishing and beautifying the home environment. From the point of view of reproduction and cultivation, it can be cultivated in both soil and water, and no matter which way is adopted to breed.

  • How much is the price of dwarf bananas per jin? What are the common varieties of dwarf bananas?

    How much is the price of dwarf bananas per jin? What are the common varieties of dwarf bananas?

    Dwarf banana is a large perennial herb, which is characterized by a small head and a short plant. And the petiole and trunk of dwarf banana crisscross to form support, just like the seedling of beam structure in modern architecture, which can effectively resist typhoon wind damage, so dwarf banana also becomes.

    2020-11-27 Dwarf banana price more less money one jin have which common
  • How to correctly trim the duck foot wood and how to raise it in winter

    How to correctly trim the duck foot wood and how to raise it in winter

    Duck foot wood is a common woody plant in tropical and subtropical regions, which originated in South America, Guangdong, Fujian and other places in China, and is now widely cultivated all over the world. The potted plant decorates the guest room, study and bedroom, with a strong flavor of the times. How to correctly trim the duck foot wood the growth of the duck foot wood is slow, but it is easy to grow branches.

  • Dachshund dog

    Dachshund dog

    Dachshund is a lively, brave hunting dog breed. It has amazing patience and stamina when tracking prey. With a keen sense of smell and a body similar to a small dog, it can go into the hole to drive away rabbits, foxes and other prey. Lively, smart and fond of making noise. Dachshund dogs have any coat color, with small white spots or spots of various colors on the chest. A breed of short-haired dogs with short and dense hairs and thick hairs on the inside of the tail. A breed of long-haired dogs with a long soft, dull straight coat, or a little wavy. The back of the foot is richly decorated. The body is long, muscular and capable

  • Etiological Analysis and differential diagnosis of Chicken leg Diseases

    Etiological Analysis and differential diagnosis of Chicken leg Diseases

    In the process of feeding, chickens often suffer from leg diseases such as soft feet, claudication, paralysis, squatting and unwilling to walk, deformed legs and paws and paralysis. The causes of leg diseases in chickens are extremely complicated. Leg disease is mostly a symptom of a disease, or a type of disease, a very small number of independent diseases, which some people call foot weakness syndrome. The occurrence of leg disease in the flock directly affects the uniformity of the flock and improves the abandonment rate and sporadic mortality of the flock. In this paper, the etiology and characteristics of chicken leg disease are summarized as follows. Chicken leg

  • Bonsai technique: skillfully using the method of leaning to obtain the elephant foot pile

    Bonsai technique: skillfully using the method of leaning to obtain the elephant foot pile

    Playing bonsai is all about playing with words. However, time waits for no man. One day, work takes ten years. There are not many decades in life. Sometimes we can quickly achieve the effect we want through some technical means. For example, if you want to be a part of it.

  • Empty valley foot sound Cymbidium

    Empty valley foot sound Cymbidium

    Huilan Suhua, descended from the mountain in 2005 in Kang County, Longnan City, the southern foot of the West Qinling Mountains, was selected by Cotton Bao Lanyou and named by Yang Anshan, vice president of Shanghai Orchid Association. The pattern is full, sparse and orderly, and the color is delicate and fragrant. Vegetarian heart new product-empty valley foot sound. It was selected by Mr. Li Yongkang, Longnan Kang County, Gansu Province. Introduced in 2008, small grass, lamp.

  • How to trim and shape the duck foot wood, coring / thinning / truncation / fixing / styling

    How to trim and shape the duck foot wood, coring / thinning / truncation / fixing / styling

    Duck foot wood can be planted for many years and evergreen, and its growth rate is fast, so when raising it, flower friends often encounter the disorderly growth of branches and leaves, which is not good-looking but also affects the development of new leaves. The solution is pruning.

  • Yumei Su Chunlan

    Yumei Su Chunlan

    It was elected in Shaoxing during the reign of Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty. The leaf posture is oblique, the leaf is thick and hard, the leaf is thin and narrow. The leaves are dark green and slightly glossy. Bract shell reddish red with green color. Outside the flower three long feet round head, the root flat edge, the valve end floats slightly, slightly falls the shoulder. Shallow pocket, pure white tongue, ribs are slightly red, also known as "red shell peach cheek plum element."
